Special General Meeting Friday, 31 August, 2012 A Special General Meeting of the Corby & East Northants Conservative Association has been called for Friday 31st August 2012 commencing at 7pm. The meeting will be at the Holiday Inn, Geddington Road, Corby, NN18 8ET. Doors open at 6pm. Only qualifying members will be admitted to this meeting and no-one will be able to gain admittance once the meeting starts at 7pm. Membership cards will be required at the door. Please contact the office if you are unsure of your membership status or if you have lost your card. A shortlist of candidates is currently being prepared and these candidates will meet members at the meeting and will give a short address and then answer questions. At the end of the meeting members will vote for the person they wish to be the candidate for the upcoming parliamentary by-election.So the suspense is killing me.
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4 years ago